I am currently in the process of porting my Worm Warrior game to the Didj:

Worm Warrior for the Game Gadget
Once it’s finished it will run on an unmodified Didj.
I had to change from SDL 1.2 to an early version of SDL 1.3 to get it to start up on the Didj. It was probably linking to a missing SDL library on the Didj, I still have to fix the input and hook up the Hekkus Sound System (HSS). I developed a SDL 1.2 backend for HSS, which I hope will work with 1.3, and that the Didj SDL_Audio is hooked up.
Developing on an unmodified Didj is a bit of a challenge, since there is no serial port to display debug messages. I got around that by creating a log file at /Didj/Data. The log file will survive a reboot; which the Didj does when exiting a program.
Here’s a little code dump from my logging routine:
bool g_bCreated; void logString(const char* _szFormat, ...) { va_list sArgs; char szString[256]; va_start(sArgs, _szFormat); vsprintf(szString, _szFormat, sArgs); va_end(sArgs); FILE* pHandle = NULL; if (false == g_bCreated) { g_bCreated = true; pHandle = fopen("/Didj/Data/Log.txt", "w"); } else { pHandle = fopen("/Didj/Data/Log.txt", "a"); } if (pHandle != NULL) { fprintf(pHandle, "%s\n", szString); fclose(pHandle); } } |